Staff Members
CVES Library
Coosa Valley Elementary School Library 3609 Martin Street South Cropwell, AL 35054
Christy Minor - Library Media Specialist christy.minor@g.pellcityschools.net 205-338-7713
The library media center is open 7:30 am-3:15 pm every day.
Library Media Center Behavior Policy
- Follow directions
- Be kind to books and other resources
- Be kind to others
Library Media Center classes
Each class comes to the library for 45 minutes once a week for instruction in library media skills and information literacy, as well as for library book check out. We adhere to the College and Career Ready Standards for the state of Alabama.
The school librarian and the classroom teacher collaborate to plan lessons that enrich what the student is doing in the classroom and that will foster information literacy.
Students may come daily to check-in and check-out books and do research.
Accelerated Reader
The above program is a computerized reading tool that allows students to read books, take self-directed computerized tests that check comprehension, and earn points based on questions answered correctly. Tests are NOT limited to just the books we have in our library. (See AR Home Connect for more info.) After a child has read an AR book, he or she may take a test on the book, earning points based on the length and complexity of the book and the number of correct answers given. Parents can follow their child's AR progress by accessing the Home Connect component available on the school's website. We have an AR (AWESOME READERS) wall where achievements are recognized. Those who meet their yearly goal will be allowed to attend a Mystery Fieldtrip at the end of the year!! :)
Beginning in August and continuing through the first full week in May, students may borrow books to take home. Pupils of Grades K-5 will be permitted to borrow library books for reading at home according to their class library schedule. Any pupil failing to return his/her books on time will not able to borrow a book for the following week.
Your cooperation and that of your child is necessary to make this venture successful. The rules for classroom books also apply to school library books. Children are asked to take proper care of the books, understanding that payment must be made in the case of the loss or damage.
Parents are reminded that kindergarten and first grade pupils have library book borrowing privileges on a weekly basis. Teachers may also select books weekly for use in these classrooms by the children. We encourage all our children to read for pleasure. There are many interesting books in our library for our students at all grade levels. Children like to have parents and teachers read aloud to them and our boys and girls also like to read aloud to others. Please take time to read with your children at home. Reading is fun for everyone
The mission of the CVES library media center is to integrate the library media center, its' resources and services into the instructional goals of our school. The library media center encourages reading as a lifelong activity. The library media specialist provides training in the use of and access to information resources in various formats and levels.
The media center is the heart of Coosa Valley Elementary School. It is used daily by students, teachers and staff for story time, research, book selection and computer use. There are fiction and non-fiction books, magazines, reference materials, and dvds for classroom use.
Our media center here at Coosa Valley Elementary is committed to instilling in our students a love of reading and life-long reading habits. Toward that goal we encourage students to participate in reading activities such as Accelerated Reading, Read Across America, and the Six Flags Read to Succeed program.
As your school librarian, I will strive to provide instruction in research skills and the use of library materials, to promote the appreciation of reading and literature, and to give guidance in the selection of materials for classroom assignments and personal use.