Library Info

Kindergarten students may check out 1 book; first and second grade students may check out 2 books; third and fourth grades may check out 3 books. 3rd and 4th grade students are expected to check out two AR books - one fiction and one nonfiction- and a "Just for Fun" book. All of these are self-selected by the student according to their reading level and individual preference. Books are due in one week for K-2 and two weeks for 3rd and 4th. Students are allowed to renew books if they have not finished it. If students have overdue books out, they may not check out another book until the overdue book is turned in or renewed. Teachers may check out as many books as needed. Creating book baskets is encouraged! Due dates for teachers are flexible.
Students can use the KidzViz search feature to look for books in the library. KidzViz is accessible from the CVES website.
Overdue slips will be printed out once a month. Bills for lost items will be printed out each nine weeks. Report cards will be held if students have library books that have not been returned or paid for by the end of the school year. IF A STUDENT HAS AN OVERDUE LIBRARY BOOK, THEY CANNOT GET ANOTHER BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY UNTIL THE OVERDUE BOOK IS RETURNED OR THE CHILD PAYS THE COST FOR REPLACING THE BOOK. CVES does not charge fines for overdue books.
If an item is lost or damaged, the librarian will send home a bill for payment of the item. If the item is found, we will reimburse your money if the book is found within that school year (August-May). If the book is damaged, you must pay the total replacement cost of the item. The cost of the book reflects the current cost of a LIBRARY BOUND BOOK.
Report cards will be held at the end of the year until outstanding balances are paid or lost books are returned.